
November Yoga Audio Class Link - Click here to listen!

Hello everyone!

I'm continuing to progress with the process of creating audio yoga classes! You can access the November 3rd class by clicking on the title above. Sounds quality is okay, I'm still exploring some options and positioning of music and microphone. In the future, I will make these classes available for a 5 dollar contribution for time and effort. For now, here is another free class for you to enjoy. I welcome feedback, I think it's a little hard to hear at first but gets more clear pretty quickly. Also, the end is left open for whatever length of time you wish to enjoy savasana!

Peace and love,

1 comment:

Erin said...

What a cool idea! I bet if you get a headset mic that will help the audio a lot. Another option is just to "lead a class" (faking it) at your computer to record your audio, then you can mix it in with music of your choice as opposed to recording at a live class.


Springtime 4.29.22 Oh the long and dreay winter Makes me feel a little bitter I wait for blue skies and green everywhere Buds aplenty nothin...