Over dinner at the Well in Waldo recently, I sat with 3 close friends after a long hiatus in our girly group getting together. How often does time get away from us? We vowed to meet more regularly as we enjoyed the atmosphere and catching up. One friend is preparing for her upcoming wedding, another is on the verge of a great promotion. The third is dealing with issues at work, we can all relate to that!
The topic of water, or to be more exact, how much water intake is ideal came up and we had a bit of a debate going. One friend said you might not need much at all, and we discussed 64 oz as the magic number (about 8 large glasses), so I decided to turn to some research to see if I could find a better answer. Masaru Emoto comes to my mind immediately. He conducted some interesting experiments about the nature of water, after all, our bodies are at least 62% water by weight! Check him out for details on how water might be affected by the vibes it receives! The fact alone that we are way more than 1/2 water has me thinking less is not more when it comes to hydrating.
What are some effects of chronic dehydration? There are MANY. According to http://nutritioninfo.tripod.com/id19.html: "The body is composed of nearly 75% water, and water is required for many of its essential functions. Water is utilized as a solvent. It also provides a means to transport nutrients, hormones and other elements. It is used to produce hydroelectric energy, especially in the brain. It is essential for maintaining cell structure. Water is also necessary to maintain a lower serum viscosity that enables proteins and enzymes to function more efficiently. Chronic dehydration can lead to a loss or decease in these functions and may ultimately result in disease or can exacerbate an existing condition. Contrary to popular belief, dry mouth or thirst is not the first sign of dehydration."
The same web page goes on to list a host of other issues like allergies, asthma, joint pain, constipation, suboptimal enzyme function, headaches, heartburn, reflux, and others. An really excellent way to gauge your water intake is to notice your urine, if it's a light color or clear, you're where you need to be, dark urine means the ratio of waste to water is higher and you need more H20. This is a better indicator of dehydration than thirst, according to the Mayo clinic. To read a list of mild to moderate symptoms when we don't get enough water, according to the Mayo clinic, click HERE.
So back to the question, how much do we need? It varies. According to Mayo Clinic, here's what we LOSE each day. "The average urine output for adults is about 1.5 liters (6.3 cups) a day. You lose close to an additional liter of water a day through breathing, sweating and bowel movements. (WOW!) Food usually accounts for 20 percent of your total fluid intake, so if you consume 2 liters of water or other beverages a day (a little more than 8 cups) along with your normal diet, you will typically replace the lost fluids."
Anyone getting up for a nice refreshing glass yet? I just did. I can't tell you what and how much to drink since it varies due to age, weight and other individual needs, but keep in mind that coffee, tea, and any other caffeinated beverages can actually rob you of liquid due to their diuretic properties. If you would like to read more on this subject, consider reading: YOUR BODY'S MANY CRIES FOR WATER By F. Batmanghelidj, M.D.
Personally, to mix my water up I enjoy drinking a nice cold can of La Croix flavored water, or Canada Dry. These are pure water and sugar free, but give a little twist to the tap!
Cheers to hydration for all. Ching Ching!
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1 comment:
And when you are pregnant you need even more water. :) Roughly 3/4 of our bodies are water and roughly 3/4 of the Earth is water. It's beautiful how our bodies are manifested in our outer world.
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