
Yoga Outside the Box

Have you ever done yoga outside? It's quite different than practicing indoors. We're about to move to our new house in June, and given that it's on 3 acres, I plan to teach some classes out and about in our yard. I may even design a living wall near the class location. When the sun and wind and trees are overhead, the earth below, its quite a bit easier to sink into the present moment. I hope to see you sometime soon out on the lawn! All you need is a little sunscreen, some water, and your body and soul. Here's a quote to ponder, courtesy of the Dalai Lama: "Every one of us is getting older, which is a natural process. Time is constantly moving on, second by second. Nothing can stop it, but what we can do is use our time properly; that is in our hands. Whether we believe in a spiritual tradition or not, we need to use our time meaningfully. If over days, weeks, months and years, we have used our time in a meaningful way – when our last day comes, we'll be happy, we'll have no regrets." Namaste, Kat


Springtime 4.29.22 Oh the long and dreay winter Makes me feel a little bitter I wait for blue skies and green everywhere Buds aplenty nothin...